We are a team of highly-qualified accredited psychotherapists, counsellors, and psychologists with a wide range of skills and evidence of success. We offer help to people facing personal, emotional, and behavioural problems that are affecting their lives.
We are here to listen, understand, and work with you to help you cope more effectively with your problems in a professional and supportive environment.
One-To-One Therapy
In individual, one-to-one therapy, clients are usually seen once a week, for fifty minutes. This work could be either short or longer term, dependent on individual needs.
NLP Therapy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a highly effective methodology based on the concept that all behaviour has an underlying structure and that this structure can be modeled, learned, and changed. It is a technique that effectively influences thinking processes and behaviors, allowing clients to fully develop their abilities and potential. Since NLP deals with the "how," it is clearly future-oriented; it focuses on finding solutions rather than analyzing the past and concentrating on the "why."
Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is a form of psychological therapy used to treat relationship distress for both individuals and couples and to restore a better level of functioning. Couples may seek therapy because of increased frequency or severity of arguments; a specific problem or a set of problems they are unable to solve.
Group Therapy
At the heart of Group Therapy is the idea that human beings are fundamentally social beings, who spend their lives with other people in one way or another.
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There is no singular cause of depression but a number of factors may make you more vulnerable to developing depression. Some people are more genetically predisposed to depression but other factors such as life events (even good ones) can trigger a depressive episode.
When we feel depressed, life can seem overwhelming and one of the first things we do in therapy is to break things down into small steps. With the help of an experienced therapist you will be supported to explore the link between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and how unrealistic thinking often lowers mood and leads to unhelpful behaviours maintaining the cycle of depression.
The most common symptoms of depression are:
Feelings of Helplessness/Hopelessness / Continuous Low Mood/Sadness / Feeling Tearful / Irritable / Lack of Motivation / Lack of Enjoyment Out of Life / Thoughts of Self Harm/Suicide / Change in Appetite / Unexplained Aches and Pains / Lack of Energy / Loss of libido / Disturbed Sleep / Self Isolation / Neglecting Hobbies and Interests / Self Neglect
Some Conditions we treat
Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and stress are healthy. In the short term they can help you overcome challenges and difficulties. The problem arises when anxiety and stress get in the way of you living your life the way you want to. Disorders associated with anxiety include: general anxiety, social anxiety, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), health anxiety, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), as well as many phobias.
The most common treatment of anxiety is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, where we look and how our thoughts, feelings and behaviours interact with each other. We then work at reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety/stress by introducing relaxation techniques, before moving on to challenge the unhelpful thinking and behaviour patterns commonly associated with stress and anxiety.
Some Conditions we treat
Relationship Issues
Relationship problems are the difficulties that can arise between two or more people when communication has broken down, and one or more parties feel unheard and undervalued. Unresolved difficult relationships can result in depression and anxiety & low self esteem.
Broken relationships can benefit from individual or couples therapy.
Some Conditions we treat
Low Self Esteem
Low self esteem is often a debilitating condition where the sufferer is unable to acknowledge positives about themselves, leaving them feeling unworthy and incompetent, and therefore unable to fulfil their own potential. For example, if you think ‘I’m unlovable’ or ‘I’m useless’, then you’re likely to feel inadequate or inferior as a person.
The most effective treatment for low self esteem is talking therapy. This will provide a clear framework for understanding how the problem developed and what keeps it going and how to get out of the negative cycle.
Some Conditions we treat
Anger Management
Anger is a natural, instinctive tool of human survival. It helps us to mobilise the energy, courage, and aggression required to defend ourselves and protect others from harm. The problem arises when we express our anger inappropriately.
Talking therapy, in particular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is the most effective means of understanding and managing your anger issues.
Some Conditions we treat

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